Logothetis Ensemble

The Logothetis Ensemble is an Anglo-German electro-acoustic quartet specialising in faithful performances of the scores of the Austrian visionary composer Anestis Logothetis (1921 – 1994).

Facebook page and photo gallery
Ghia tin Ora (1975)



Richard Douglas-Green works with natural sounds, processing them through the use of ultrasonics and other technologies to produce new sounds which retain the complexity of their natural origins but that have acquired new identities whose source can no longer be readily identified. He worked in sound production with the BBC in Cardiff, Bristol and Plymouth before becoming Senior Lecturer in Sound Production at Plymouth College of Art and Design. He now runs a small independent label and recording studio in Northern Brittany.
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Werner Durand performs music for saxophones, Iranian ney, and self-made wind instruments. He started to build wind instruments out of plexiglass and PVC in the early 80s. Werner has collaborated with numerous composers/performers including David Behrman, John Driscoll, David Moss, Muslimgauze, Henning Christiansen, David Toop and the visual/ sound artist Rolf Julius. A variety of materials and playing techniques enables him to bring out unusual sounds, rich textures and rhythmic ideas that might recall tribal music from Africa or the Pacific but which at the same time sound experimental, and even (post-)industrial.
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Mike McInerney is a lecturer in music with Plymouth University. His work as a composer and performer combines acoustic instruments with electronic technology. Recent works have been presented at Sonic Arts’ EXPO Leeds, Noise=Noise, Falmouth LiveArt and Plymouth New Music Festival.
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Michael Neil is an electronic composer with a release catalogue of more than twenty albums to his credit. Born in England he now resides in Berlin. Educated at Dartington College of Arts he graduated with a BA and MA in contemporary music composition and arts theory and continues his work in his solo projects and as a member of the krautrock band Curious Egg.
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Logothetis Project Website




August 2017

Ghia tin Ora (1975), Globus (1978), Enklaven (1967)
as part of UNESCO World Humanities Conference
Wednesday 9th August 6pm: Salle Académique, University of Liège


July 2015

Ichnolgia (1967), Globus (1978)
as part of Displaced2015
Sunday 16th July 3pm: Kunstlerhaus Schloss Wiepersdorf


November 2014

Ghia tin Ora (1975), Panel 2 from Anastasis (1969), Enklaven (1967)

Faithful! 2014
Thursday 20th November 7pm: Berghain, Berlin


August 2013 – February 2014

Ghia Tin Ora (1975), Fantasmata (1961), Enklaven (1967)

February 2014

Plymouth Contemporary Music Festival 2014 ‘Thinking Music’
Sunday 9th February 2014: Roland Levinsky Theatre 1, Plymouth University

January 2014

Friday 24th January 2014: Alte Schmeide, Vienna

August 2013

Saturday, 17th August 2013: N.K., Neue Kölln, Elsenstraße, Berlin


February 2012

Music for a Very Large Space

as part of Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival 2012
with Matt Lord – guitar
Saturday 11th February 2012: Roland Levinsky Building, Plymouth University.


October 2011

Enklaven (1967), Globus (1978)

with Matt Lord – guitar
Thursday 20th October – Friday 21st October  2011: Neue Töne Open, Galerie Babel, Uhlandstraße 26, Stuttgart


June 2006

Globus (1978), Panel 2 from Anastasis (1969), Enklaven (1967)

with Neil Dowell – guitar
Tuesday 27th June 2006: Studio 1, Lower Close, Dartington Arts, Devon

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